One of the books that has had profound impact on me is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
- that which is confines to deeper principles called as Character Ethic - integrity,honesty, sincerity etc
- that which is much more superficial called as Personality ethic- positive mental attitude,skills, techniques
Seth Godin in his book Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?
makes a mention of how how tribal economies were built around deeper principles such as mutual support and generosity.Communities believed that each one should support the other for the upliftment of the society as a whole. All this sans reciprocity.Giving was always a signal of surplus. The underlying message for the recipient of the gift is:
- Benefit from it
- Pass it on to others
Simple take away " Stand up for your value generous and helpful and do not expect anything in return". Result: The tribes/communities grew with a lot more trust,honesty and openness which resulted in peace and happiness...
My guess is that in the last 200 hundred years, especially post Industrial revolution, a lot has changed in these tribes..
- Large tribes have disintegrated into smaller communities
- Receiving is more celebrated than giving
- Reciprocity has now become human nature- Quid pro quo is the motto
- We are nostalgic about the future -Expectation of results keeping past memories as reference
This is largely fueled by capitalism in which smaller tribes started focusing on economic gains out of every transaction - " More for Less". While the world has benefited from many modern discoveries and inventions what is more damaging is that we have lost out on basic value systems like:
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Generosity sans Reciprocity
Lack of these character ethics creates fear and has resulted in mistrust, cheating,deceit and what not. There is unrest in the air and we all know it fully well. What is the way out?
How can we live in peace and happiness in this world?
How can we live in peace and happiness in this world?
Typically human behavior is that once pushed to a corner either the best or worst comes out. Recession, job lay offs, financial constraints and other external pressures have certainly ensured that we revisit our basics and reset our value systems.It appears today's individuals have realized what our ancestors have been practicing for centuries-Grow as a Community and not as individuals.
So people want to hold hands and move forward as communities and not just as individuals. The encouraging part is that this time around it includes people not just their families & friends but a new set of people called as friendsters- Virtual Social Communities(VSC). We are limping back to an era where any form of noble gesture for the community like philanthropy gives peace and happiness to the giver. Be it in the form of information, money, gift in kind or just an advice at the right moment.These newly formed Virtual Social Communities, not bound by geographical boundaries, need a platform to address their emotional and self expression needs.
So people want to hold hands and move forward as communities and not just as individuals. The encouraging part is that this time around it includes people not just their families & friends but a new set of people called as friendsters- Virtual Social Communities(VSC). We are limping back to an era where any form of noble gesture for the community like philanthropy gives peace and happiness to the giver. Be it in the form of information, money, gift in kind or just an advice at the right moment.These newly formed Virtual Social Communities, not bound by geographical boundaries, need a platform to address their emotional and self expression needs.
Change Agent: Social Media
Social Media pundits are calling this new platform as a change agent and possibly one of the best things that could have happened especially during recession. The Social Media has helped the Virtual Social Communities to
- Get Phenomenal Reach -Connects VSC members connect across geographies.This reach has reduced the marginal cost of generosity(Lovely statement by Seth Godin).A good example is sharing one's ideas on a blog to larger audience for no economic gain. Members of the tribe might gain from it.
- Social Footprint -By using this platform every member of the community would have established a social footprint which cannot be erased.Any contradiction will expose the member and might damage one's respectable character or Integrity. A good example - CEO of a company was trying to tarnish the image of the competitor through social media using an anonymous name. He had foot in his mouth when situation forced his company to acquire the competitor.
- Platform for expressing: Unlike the past, every member has an opportunity to express his/her views, opinions, write reviews, broadcast search. The community values honesty over abundant knowledge. Any member trying to promote a product or brand within his community for economic gains will be exposed
Similarly we can elaborate for each character ethic like fidelity, patience etc...
It is very natural that some of you may have disbelief /skepticism with this thought for what we hear is:
It is very natural that some of you may have disbelief /skepticism with this thought for what we hear is:
- People give to get.. Sharing is not without reciprocity
- Identity theft
- Confidentiality breach
and what not.. Yes I agree with you partially but it is also true that we have been indoctrinated to believe like this. Social Media is a new kid on the block. Approach,Use and embrace it for right reasons and am sure we will reset our basic value systems. As a community ( VSC) , we will be happier and more peaceful.
Intersting and in depth anlaysis.
People sometimes exhibit different personalities depending on the group. e.g.: A person wants to be jovial, naughty among his friends; sincere and honest to his parents; intelligent among his colleagues. I don’t know whether this is correct or not. But for sure, we are hiding certain characteristics as we are sure that these groups do not interact with each other in offline.
But, a person cannot be inconsistent in social media as these groups converge. It actually helps us to be consistent and exhibit our true personality .
@Ramani, Good observation... My point is it is difficult to maintain a pseudo image for long
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